Three more reviews. Two negative, one neutral.
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (1 out of 5 stars, did not finish)*

Um... No. Not my kind of
thing. I can see the appeal of the invisible girl winning over the
hunk-who-doesn't-date, but the writing style is poor and some of the
relationship elements are rather disturbing. I tried to read it and
could not finish it, so I passed it on.
Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris (0 out of 5 stars, did not finish)*

Another no. I didn't like
the writing style at all, and when this happens I can't get into the book. The
narrative was juvenile and the heroes two-dimentional. I gave it a perfunctory read and passed it
on to someone else.
Enthralled by Kayci Morgan (2 out of 5 stars)*

Pros: very easy to read. In its own way quite sweet. Cons:
Too short, therefore everything happening too easy and fast. Relies on
well known 'recipes' of the vampire genre instead of actual development.
Good, clear writing for a free ebook. The writer shows promise. I would like to read something longer by her.
*My star rating and what it means:
Zero stars: Why me?!? I do come across books that aren't really books, but brain damage in disguise.
For reasons you can all understand, I won't be publishing reviews on
them. I tend to become enraged and say things I later on regret.
One star: Meh... I didn't like it and won't be keeping it. It might be the book, or it might be me. I'll try to clarify in my review.
Two stars: Average/ Okay.
Either the kind of light/ undemanding book you read and don't remember
in a month, or suffering from flaws that prevented it from realising its
Three stars: Better than average. Good
moments, memorable characters and/ or plot, maybe good sense of
humour... Not to die for, but not feeling like you wasted your time and
money either.
Four stars: Wow, that was good! Definitely keeping it and checking to see what else I can buy from the same writer.
Five stars: Oh. My. Goodness. The
kind of book you buy as a gift to all your friends, praise to random
strangers on the bus, and re-read until the pages fall out and the
corners are no longer corners, but round.